Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MH montgomery/myers, food truck on olive highway near am/pm

offering me some Cheetos and "half" energy drink the MH hoodlum unidentified and incognito tried to teach force upon me some pointers- "you look like you're working too hard" "what do you think of MH? and when he did not like my opinion and wanted to push his own the terrorist pushed forth and said "why?""making me so distressed someone called police among other possible candidates such as blonde watching cashier at raleys ,"just" cigarette offer by big lots trash can ,food offered pushed by children from food truck near am/pm, stake out from home depot lot  planted old food inside raleys apts garbage, check out person at am/pm threating over emptying bottles, etc. the ted act is expanded far down............ by America's "nice" ter act.